A Girl's Best Friend (it's not what you think)
by Image in Harmony Consulting Boutique on Monday, June 7, 2010 at 7:35pm
A blissfully long and cool (everything is relative) Winter here in the Sunshine State almost made me forget how disgustingly humid and sticky our Summer gets. Over 6 miles of walking and countless showers (indoors and out) in the past few days have made me re-pledge my allegiance to what should be know as 'a girl's best friend'. Any girl who has ever experienced the discomfort (to put it mildly) of a heat rash/chafe would gladly forgo their diamond ring (ok, maybe not) to stop the torture. We're talking 'BodyGlide' here sister! "The leading skin protectant and #1 choice for runners and triathletes since 1996." I don't know about you, but the last time I ran anywhere was 1996, but that besides the point. I have been using it for almost 10 years and lemme tell you, that thing can last you through an overnight hike in the Amazon rain forest (not that I would know, but I have actually worn it in Kawaiin and Mauin rain forests and in our very own Fairchild Tropical Gardens, so I do have some credibility here). It's time to chuck those protective shorts, 'cuz you won't be needing them anymore. And yes, you'll have me to thank for introducing you to http://www.bodyglide.com/, and an easy, cheap buy on http://www.amazon.com/. After all, you can't look good if you don't feel good. And you definitely won't feel good if you can't walk. So, Voila. And it's my pleasure; it really is. Say hello to your new best friend.
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